Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Moving on...

Things are moving on here. The new kitchen is almost finished, and the days of chaos and the to-ing and fro-ing of joiners and painters and plumbers and the gaffer and the architect and all and sundry are almost at an end. 

I'm ready for it to finish and for things to return to normal. 6 weeks with only a microwave - even if we did have a washing machine and a dishwasher and a sink - was a bit wearing and wearying. But the results are just as good - if not better - than we hoped. We can now see through the house from front to back; we can see out into our garden in a way that we couldn't before. It's nice. Really Nice. I like.

Today the new floor was laid. The fitter left the paper template in situ because of the painting and grouting work happening tomorrow. We couldn't really pass up the opportunity to draw on such an enormous piece of paper, so after supper the chiddlers and I got to work...

As you can see, the decorating didn't stop with the paper, oh no. The jelly bean drew on herself. A. Lot.

In other news, I finished some socks. They are pink, and a bit stripey and I really love them (although they are impossible to photograph). Trouble is, I lost concentration somewhere along the line and they are teensy bit too small for me. 

pattern: generic top-down socks
yarn: Kaffe Fassett Random Stripe for Regia (#02901 colourway) 
combined with some plain pink 4-ply in a grumperina stripe (tute here)

Seeing as I have a dozen or more pairs of handknit socks in my drawer, I don't really need another pair. And, in these days of austerity I don't want to appear to be greedy - so I've put them in the gift stash

and promised myself that 

if I happen to pass the shop where I bought the yarn, I might allow myself to buy a couple of balls because, well, most of my handknit socks are a year or two old now, and must be quite close to wearing out. So, making some more would just help me to keep the others going a bit longer because I wouldn't need to wear them as often....and if there's anything a girl really needs, it's a pair of hot pink stripey socks.


  1. Oh, I don't envy you! New kitchens are a nightmare. But once it's done, the disruption will feel like a distant memory, and you'll find yourself walking in just to look at it and stroke the worktops! Hope it all goes smoothly! :)

  2. Thanks! It's pretty much there now - and we have been stroking the worktops and marvelling at all the light.

  3. I think you should make a point of passing the shop as soon as possible so that you can buy more of that yarn and make yourself a pair of those socks, they're gorgeous. I would offer to buy the first pair but I have huge feet.

    And the kitchen looks great. I love the curvy shiny units. How nice to have it all done in time for the summer... even if this year the weather's a bit, um mixed.

  4. Thanks - yes they (the socks) are rather good aren't they? I did accidentally find myself in Jenner's yarn corner the other day, but alas they did not have that colourway in stock. So, i'll try to engineer a trip to that yarn shop in the near future....
