It seems completely fraudulent to call this a tutorial, since it is so blinkin' easy.
Are you ready?
Wait. Before I begin with the tute, I should go back to the beginning of the story. A wee while ago, my dear 8 yr old son asked me for a cowl. He wanted it to wind round his head like a ninja, and asked for one in (navy) blue - that's a school colour since this boy is a model pupil and takes school life pretty seriously. Anyways, I thought: simples - I can knit, so I will knit him a cowl.
And then Christmas came ... and went ... and there was no cowl. There were not even any beginnings of a cowl. I had yarn, and a pattern (probably), but no time or mojo to fit it into my life.
Fortunately for me, the bean has a birthday every year (who knew?) and this happens to be at the end of January. So, I just let the Christmas cowl thing slide, knowing I had another cowl-gifting opportunity racing towards me.
I was going to nail this thing. Like a boss.
A day or three before the birthday, there was still no sign of a cowl starting. But, I had a plan.
When I was pregnant with little bean, I stole a couple of man sweaters from my husband. He discarded them because they had a weeny hole in one elbow, and he couldn't bring himself to wear them in public (
A light bulb came on, and I just went with it. (Here's the tute: concentrate)
First, I got the sweater onto the
[sorry about the rubbish iphone pictures - I was half way through before I even thought of taking a photo]
Snip, snip went my scissors.
I was left with a nice tube of stretchy knitted fabric. My plan was then to sew along the cut edges and somehow fold it over and secure it, making a really cosy double layer cowl.
Can you see what is coming next? Yep. That's right: I didn't DO anything else. I just left it. The edges seemed to be stable enough without stitching (they have rolled), it was nice and stretchy, and I thought the depth of fabric just made it better for ninja poses.
I styled it on a hanger just to see if it worked.
[Yeah, navy blue is a total badass to photograph]. A total success, no?
All I can say is this - I cut off the arms and hem of a man's sweater to make a cowl. And THAT WAS IT.
It has been worn by the bean, more than a few times. He favours the double wrap. It hasn't fallen apart yet, and I haven't been able to steal it #sadface
Just in case you are wondering: this is a regular fine merino knit (machine washable) from Marks and Sparks. I didn't treat it in any way, e.g. by felting. Job done.
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