Saturday 3 March 2012

Quilts and things

The light is coming back. Mornings are no longer dim, but bright. On Thursday the brightness was such that I dressed myself in bright clothes: a bright green skirt, a white top, a coral cardigan. It felt like spring.

I was at a conference that day, and knowing I would be spending some time listening, I took some knitting to keep my hands busy. The second of those birthday socks got some attention, and progressed from heel flap to mid-foot. I even managed to do a bit more last night, on my way to see The Descendants with a friend. It was good  - although perhaps not as funny as I was expecting - and featured a number of beautiful quilts. My fingers are itching a bit. I've got a few quilting projects in mind, and need to find some tima and space to start sewing again. At the moment my teaching commitments mean that most evenings have some work shoe horned into them. By Easter that will all be behind me and I'll be able to get on. With. Things. Can't wait for that...

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